I post quite a bit in my Telegram paid subscribers group. But I have been thinking that I will start to transition from posting as much to the group to posting more to my site, which then propagates to some or all of my social media sites. In this way, you all can keep in touch with my current sentiment more frequently than just by watching my weekly update video which can be time-consuming.
Today, I simply wanted to post some quick Solana news that many of you may already be aware of. Before I post that news, I do want to preface with the notion that I still do believe this current upswing in the crypto markets will continue for at least another week or two (maybe more). That being said, I don’t know that the market has quite reached full capitulation just yet. One more event may help the market reach that final capitulation. I don’t know. Crypto is def not for the faint of heart.
As always, trade carefully in this climate and set those stops.
Best to you,