All Indexes and Crypto Leaders have found good support!
I leave you all with a more optimistic perspective for the weekend in this 5 minute update.
In this 5 minute update:
* I want to leave traders with a more optimistic perspective. In the last video update, I failed to point out all of the positive indicators that I am seeing in the market. I review all the support levels that have been found on the indexes and crypto leaders.
It’s hard to look at at right now, but keep a positive mind set of what’s on the other side. I know a lot of people view all this as currency to use, and to each their own, but I view it as a block chain technology that isn’t going away. Someone just posted there was 130 Million users of the internet in 1997 and you remember how that fad went, It BOOMED! Today there are 130 Million users of Bitcoin. Stay positive, it’s only the beginning 😀